- There's a plastic monkey figurine living in my purse. It's there because I passed some vending globes on the street on Amsterdam Ave., one was full of tiny monkeys, and I thought, "How could I NOT spend a quarter on a monkey?!" (Can anyone argue with that logic?) Its name is Curious George, because my favorite three year old decided so.
- I've spent tangible blocks of time resenting the fact that cookies are a sometimes food.
- A friend and I made sometimes-food sugar cookies the other night, using our nimble fingers and some chocolate chips and red hots to replace a lack of cookie cutters. She made reasonable-enough facsimiles of Low Library and peace signs. I made a snow man whose red hot scarf looked like a series of bloody torso wounds. And a "chocolate chip cookie."
- I still get excited about the prospect of spending long afternoons playing with kids -- though mostly ones who tend toward mischievous.
- I <3 lolcats that say this:

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